Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The training and the adventure begins.

Danille arrived in Atlanta, got to drop off her stuff and (again thank God) change her shoes from flip flops to tennis shoes. Her team of seven, six girls and one boy was given an envelope with instructions and $20.00. They were told to find away to get to an address in Atlanta. So on $20.00 they all had to get the bus to the address.

It was a homeless shelter, where they were given a room that slept about 30 on three high bunk beds. They had mattress' with no sheets or blankets for sleeping on. They were also given a sack dinner of a peanut butter sandwich and an apple.

Then at midnight, they recieved new instructions. They were told they would be homeless on the streets of Atlanta in 19 degree weather with only one blanket for all 7 of them. They huddled together trying to keep warm and praying. Danille didn't even have a jacket, she had on a sweatshirt and sweatpants.

Danille said they found a chatholic church and got inside an alcove there for a while to warm up and found a convenience store. At one point Danille said she really struggled, but felt lead to give up her gloves to a homeless person. She said her fingers never got cold again the rest of the night.

At about 4 am they were told to go back to the shelter and in the morning were offered stale bread and peanut butter for breakfast. They then went back to the place they are staying.

An amazing night to say the least.

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